I fear they
will wake me be
fore the night
mère has fin

That the hooves
will hold my cob
bled alleys in a back
and forth chamber of
for ever rev

s. That my p
alms will be past
ed together again
st it. My hot w
ax running, burning
beds into me. Yes,

I am worry of
breakage. Of raw fi
lament out to nest.

Originally published in Bat City Review Issue 10

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Knar Gavin  holds graduate degrees from Syracuse University (MA 2016) and the Iowa Writers' Workshop (MFA, 2013), where she received a John C. Schupes fellowship for her manuscript Cotor: Excerpts from Variable Road. Knar is the author of the chapbook Vela. (the Operating System, 2019) and recent poems can be found in Foundry, Storm Cellar, AGNI, and Pouch.